Friday, November 2, 2007

Angels among us

Okay, the "Holiday Season" is officially here. I have been waiting to post this video! These pictures and video are from one of the most special nights of my life–I mean that in all sincerety. Anyone with kids will know what I am talking about, when you think back to those few very precious moments in life, (introducing your brand new baby to their sibling comes to mind.) This night was one of those moments for me.

Our friend Lorile invited us to their church party (which she directed, amazing) and invited the kids to be in their nativity play. With the kids dressed in their angel costumes and the atmosphere of the "Night in Jerusalem" culminating in the children's nativity play, I truly experienced "the spirit of the season." Even now I am on the verge of tears, the emotion is still so fresh.

As this holiday season approaches, I hope we can all recognize and appreciate the angels among us.

1 comment:

lacy said...

Chels, I miss your posts. I know, I'm not that good at posting either, but you were really good. I always looked to you for inspiration to post more. I miss seeing your ideas and pictures!